Get Involved In Your Community
I went to be a part of my hometown’s brand new Mayoral debate. I love being a part of my community’s events and new ideas. Being active in your own community is so important. Don’t ever just sit back and not take part because of resignation or disbelief. WE all play a part in making our lives and communities thrive!
Rawlings Public Library for the Mayoral debate in Pueblo CO. Get involved and VOTE!
Creating True Balance In Life
Snow skiing and snow boarding are perfect metaphors for finding balance in life. I love “flying on the ground” so to speak. I went to Keystone with my buddy Danny where we practiced being in and out of balance. I had a realization while skiing and how I’m almost always out of balance making micro-adjustments to get back into balance while flying and gliding down the hill. It’s like flying on the ground. Trusting the terrain in front of you and trusting your body and your skills to flow and relax into mountain instead of fighting it and tightening up. I love avoiding obstacles and bumps and trees while enjoying the experience of snow skiing. I am always open to discovering balance in every brand new moment of life.
Being balanced in all areas of life may be incredibly challenging but it makes life so much more fun to even try!
Being Healthy Is Critical - Try Something New Like Boxing
Training our bodies and being in shape is critical in the overall well being of our existence. Boxing is such a challenging sport that I just started under a year ago and it has helped me gain new confidence, self awareness and self love. If you are going to "Break Through" to the other side of fear you have to be willing to be fully uncomfortable at times by trying brand new things. Healing is real. Love is real. Becoming your absolute BEST SELF is totally real. SO STOP WAITING!
Get out there and go challenge yourself TODAY. Sucking at something is an awesome experience that helps us grow. Don’t be afraid to suck.